The Behavioral Science

Creating Healthy Habits with Proven Behavioral Science Principles

Every day habits are the key to health and diabetes management. Fortunately, there are decades of scientific research on how people change their daily routines. We use this powerful science to help our program participants manage and improve their health. Supported by our tailored text messaging system, participants develop and practice essential health behaviors. With time and practice, new, healthy behaviors become natural feeling, established habits.

Users of our program develop habits for:

  • Eating to manage symptoms and weight
  • Being physically active
  • Taking medications
  • Controlling blood sugar

myAgileLife participants learn to improve self-management of health by:

  • Setting achievable goals to ensure success and build confidence
  • Creating environments that support healthy behaviors
  • Rewarding and celebrating personal efforts

Changing behavior is difficult. Now, you can have the power of behavioral science on your side!